Laser Therapy
Davis Veterinary Hospital now offers laser therapy, a painless, drug-free treatment that reduces pain and promotes healing for pets that have wounds, surgical incisions, burns, snake bites, and more.
Laser therapy uses light energy that is absorbed in the tissue and cells of a pet during treatment. The treatment increases circulation, and draws water, oxygen, and nutrients to the damaged area resulting in reduced inflammation, swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness and pain. It can also accelerate tissue repair and cell growth, improve circulation and nerve function, reduce scar tissue formation, and help the immune system fend off infection. As the injured area returns to normal, function is restored and pain is relieved, allowing your pet to return to normal activities.
Pain management is another excellent application of our therapy laser. Laser therapy is an excellent alternative treatment that may provide relief from conditions such as osteoarthritis, without the use of medication.
If you live in Hattiesburg, Petal, Purvis, Oak Grove, or Sumrall, Mississippi, and you think your pet may benefit from laser therapy treatments, please schedule an appointment to have your pet evaluated by one of our knowledgeable veterinarians.